We're all winners!
“There are a mess of folks worldwide running 10ks in synchronicity. ”
What a day! We're humbled by all the great performances made out there, and amazed by the number of ultra friends who chose to accept the #ultraintervalchallenge! At one point we were exactly 300 people signed up for the event on Facebook, but during these events, just like in real ultra races, people have their ups and downs and come and go as they please. This is the charm about the event—everyone accepts the challenge on their own level, completing as few or as many intervals as they like.
This was the 10th time we arranged the virtual ultra-interval event (known to Swedes as #1milvartredjetimme), but the first time we invited an international crowd. Up until now, we've had a solid Nordic ultra community toeing up for the event, but this time we thought we'd ask everyone to join! The concept is simple, all runners "meets up" on social media, gathering around the Facebook event page and the tag #ultraintervalchallenge on Instagram and Twitter. At the exact same time, every third hour during 24 hours, the participants set out to run 10k, ending up with almost 50 miles. 500 pictures on Instagram got tagged #ultraintervalchallenge during the event—that's pretty cool!
To keep everyone awake and alert, we had fun challenges along the way. Here's how it went and who won each challenge!
If you're one of the lucky winners, please send an email to contest@paceonearth.se with your contacts including address, phone number, and if appliccable size and preferred color.
Presenting the winners of ultra interval challenge July 24-25 2015!
Martin Clemensson's ultra-shopping
INTERVAL 1 — Be prepared!
Sponsor Naimakka
This challenge was about preparations (or the lack of preparations). The participants were supposed to show us how they had prepared for #ultraintervalchallenge and we got lots of fun and clever sugggestions on how to best prepare. The prize was a Paracord Bracelet from Naimakka—a handy and beautiful multi-purpose tool!
- Chris (@gnomishmath) Beck wins with his very nice jars.
- Dara Bullock showed us some serious preparation! She got a treadmill on the same day as #ultraintervalchallenge!
- Martin Clemensson had perhaps been overdoing it a bit.
INTERVAL 2 — What is your best trick to a fast recovery?
Sponsor SKINS
During this interval, we wanted some help! To be able to recover fast after long or hard runs, is important to anyone who wants to become a better runner, so we asked for the best ideas to a quick recovery. The prize was a pair of SKINS A400 Long Compression Tights.
- Laura Drake who really knows how to speed up her recovery with yoga, foam rolling and compression wear!
ALL of the participants got a very nice 50% discount on the whole SKINS RY400 Recovery range throughout the event, by using discount code "paceonearth". The discount code is still open for just a little longer, so if you haven't already, don't wait to order!
Order Men’s
Order Women’s
Still from Even Nedberg's video
INTERVAL 3 — Greetings!
Sponsor Gococo
We would love to meet all ouf our participants, but the next best thing would be a video message! So this challenge was about saying hello and telling us a bit about yourself! Some contributions to this contest were more creative than others!
- Stefan Shirley "Probably the best videographer there is".
- Even Nedberg "Se Bærums Verk våkne til liv en lørdags morgen".
- @vattenflicka who's a runner, poledancer, thaiboxer and hangs out with Batman...
The prize was Compression Superior, Compression socks from Gococo! Winners choose size and color.
If you're one of the lucky winners, please check out the product link and include size and preferred color in your winner email!
Jimmy Spets' quinoa and spinach patties
INTERVAL 4 — What's your favorite ultra-running energy?
Sponsor ClifBar
Making your body move for 24 hours takes some skill and when you’re an ultra runner, finding energy that works for you is crucial. We wanted our contestants to show us what they preferred to eat and drink during #ultraintervalchallenge. It seemed like many favored sugar in different forms — candy, gels, premade energy bars and sports drinks — but we also got a couple of suggestions of homemade food. The prize was super-tasty energy bars from ClifBar.
- Maria Sollerman who dreams of her own homemade energy bar, the one she never makes.
- Torbjörn Klemensson showed us some everyday food in a beautiful setting.
- Jimmy Spets who made quinoa and spinach patties, recipe in the comments!
INTERVAL 5 — What do you wear for luck?
Sponsor X-kross
This was perhaps our favorite challenge! We wanted our participants to show us their special item, the one they used to wear for luck. We had such a hard time picking the winners here, since we had so many touching, fun and beautiful contributions to this challenge!
- The lucky winner of a pair of sports glasses from X-Kross is Gert Gustavsson, the man with The Pink Tape on his knee.
- Josefin Forsell wins an X-kross headband for showing us her bracelet with a story.
Johan Arvidsson Wemmert (@300_mil_for_barncancerfonden)
INTERVAL 6 — Best in show
Sponsors FlipBelt and Injinji
During this interval we wanted everyone to lighten up a bit and remember that running is fun! The challenge was about dressing up in a spectacular and awesome training outfit. Many of the Swedish contestants dressed according to the weather (the usual Swedish summer), wearing rain coats and diving gear to "swim" their way through the pouring rain...
- Johan (@300_mil_for_barncancerfonden) Arvidsson Wemmert high fiving the neigbour’s kids in a nice outfit!
The winners of Injinjis
- @jeanette_johnsson wins with her schoolgirls go ultrarunning!
- Gaute Remman Gunleiksrud "Det handler ikke om hva du har på deg, men hva du har med deg"
If you're one of the lucky winners, please include size and preferred color in your winner email!
INTERVAL 7 — Best pep-talk
Sponsor Gococo
When you have two intervals left, you really need someone to cheer you up, telling you you're awesome, or you need someone to comfort you, telling you you're nearly there, just put your foot out the door and everything will be alright. Our three winners are:
- Mattias Lindbäck who's out on a secret mission to save the world.
- Linda (@lindagoesultra) Nicklasson with her "Just do it"
- @rundebbierun who also "Just does it"
The prize was Compression Calf Sleeves and Light Sport Kit from Gococo! Winners choose size and color.
If you're one of the lucky winners, please check out the product link and include size and preferred color in your winner email!
INTERVAL 8 — Celebration times!
Sponsor Ultimate Direction
This was the challenge we'd all been waiting for! We would finally be done, having completed 80k or perhaps set a new personal best by running 50k. We wanted to see celebration pictures, selfies and hear the sounds of YEEEES! We had a really unique prize — a signed Scott Jurek Ultra Vest!
- Jesper (@jesper75gbg) Lindersson wins the signed Scott Jurek Ultra Vest with a very classic finish (ending his ultra intervals at the Vasaloppet finish line!)
- Lise (@maratonmamma) Lysfjord Pettersen wins the Jenny Jurek Ultra Vesta for her selfie in a spa with a view.
Thank you everyone for participating and again — a huge thanks to our sponsors for great prizes!!!
Much love and run on!
/Ellen and Johnny